Friday, 3 March 2017

Over Ordered

It was a mistake anyone could have made or at least that was what he kept saying to himself as the driver used the fork life truck to take down yet another pallet of the boxes.

He had checked back to his order and now he knew that it wasn’t single items he had ordered, they were ordered and delivered in multiples. He had one hundred pallets of them when he had only wanted one box with one hundred jars. He was desperately trying to calculate how much space the pallets of Tality were going to take up in his garage. It was already almost full and less than half had been taken off the lorry.

He had to do something before his wife got back. This was supposed to be just a little sideline, a little online business to keep him interested. He had read about the amazing benefits of taking just two tablets of Tality every day and had tried a sample and it seemed to work. So on the strength of that he had ordered small initial order just to see how sales might go. Now he realised he’d missed the vital part that showed the volume of the order.

Standing at the back of his garage he was trying to ring the supplier in China but was still getting no response. He had to ask them to take some of the order back and now. To add to his growing frustration and tension he could hear the ‘beep beep beep’ of the fork lift truck reversing with yet another enormous pallet to force into the garage.

He was trying the supplier for the tenth time when he heard the crates being pushed up. He could hear the straining of both the wood and the metal bindings around the cling filmed boxes. Then he realised that the new pallet was forcing the pallets already in the garage towards him trapping him against the back wall and away from the door.

He shouted, shouted at the top of his voice but remembered the driver had earphones in listening to music. It was one of the things that had annoyed him when he was trying to stop him unloading when he first arrived.

Another pallet and he was being crushed. It was then he heard a voice at the end of the phone. In broken English he could hear the same phrase being repeated ‘Hello, hello, you there, you want moreTality