Wednesday, 29 April 2015

‘G D Evrat - A Life of Pie’

‘G D Evrat  - A Life of Pie’

Many will have never heard of G D Evrat and those few that do will probably have no appreciation of the depth and width of his works and impact on modern life.

Born in 1938 an engineer and philosopher by trade G D Evrat this a unique marriage lead to his breakthrough of ‘philosophical engineering’ and his series of ‘machines’ to generate what he termed ‘the new ideals’.

Philosophical, deliberately thought provoking and occasionally provocative he challenged the status quo constantly. G D Evrat died in 2014. To mark the anniversary of his death Constrelle TV has recorded a documentary about his life and work featuring many of his friends and colleagues.

His work has had and continues to have enormous influence. Many of his ideas and writings  are now well known but few know from where they originated. How many people will have read any of the following with no idea of the author?

'Like a Lemming he moved the yoghurt from the back to the front of the fridge before settling back into being a temporary shelf'

'She hid behind the sofa quietly playing chess with a squirrel, her ears tuned to the front door and the imminent arrival of eggs'

'His was an unusual request. Lifting down the ancient gutlib pot she poured the fresh plenfer into his leather heeled shoe'

‘G D Evrat  - A Life of Pie’ will be broadcast on Channel 6 at 8.30 on Friday 26th May

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