Monday, 11 March 2013

Other People's Clothes

A few of moments last week led to these thoughts

Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we are behaving in a way that is quite unnatural to us. Speaking and acting as though we were another person. Quite often this happens in a work situation where, over time, we divorce our true personality and opinion from our ‘professional’ persona or how we think we should be at our job.

More often than not this is because of the desire to fit in, not to be different, to not say what we really think in case it is unpopular and might count against us. We can become a reflector of those around us knowing that by mirroring behaviour we can exist without problems. Other people’s attitudes begin to clothe us.

There is a health warning with this approach. It is hard to continue to lead two lives, the one that exists at work and the one that lives with our families and friends. It can cause hidden stress as we subconsciously switch between our two selves in different situations.

It is so much simpler, so much more rewarding and in the end so much more positive to be ourselves in all situations. To know that people respect us for what we think and care about because that is who we are and not who we can pretend to be. But it is hard because you have to have the confidence that the true ‘you’ can be the professional ‘you’ as well – but of course you can.

So take a moment to think whether you are acting a part to suit others. If you are be careful, because you don’t want to spend you life wearing ‘clothes’ made for you by others.

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