Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Nature's Path

It had been known as an ancient path for generations
The locals warned them about building there
It was at the tightest part of the valley
The place where migrating animals were at the their most vulnerable
Yes it would make a lovely spot for a new house but it would disturb nature’s path
But they were from the town and not susceptible to old wives tales and legend
The builders knew
They were careful to pack up long before the sun set
The villagers talked of the wolves
Wolves that would come down from the hills to take their pick of the animals at the pinch point of their journey
Wolves of prehistoric size
Wolves of nightmares
It was a lovely house
A perfect fit giving views to the front and back
But it was the views inside that made the heart jolt and the senses reel
Two people shredded
Their bodies flayed against the walls and windows
Only to be spoken of in whispers after the house was demolished
Nature’s path restored

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

A Cracker in not just for Christmas

Kelvin stared at the bank statement and at the shelves of unordered products that filled his factory. It had seemed such a brilliant idea. A gap in the market that would make a previous seasonal ‘one purchase’ item an all year treat.

Oh and the images of success that had filled his imagination as he launched his company. He had sunk all his redundancy money into his new venture despite the reservations of his wife and children. By now, if things had gone according to plan, they would be in their new house, driving their new cars and being surrounded by people congratulating him on his astonishing success.

It was so simple and such a gap - Kelvin’s Krackers, ‘a cracker is not just for Christmas’. But it would appear that was exactly what they weren’t as his filled to bursting shelves would testify.

He his head dropped into his hands as his eyes filled with tears. He had one month to rescue something from this disaster. To date he had sold two boxes and they had elicited two letters expressing surprise that the jokes inside had a wintery theme.

My god how he hated the company that had ‘let him go’ after twenty-four years of loyal service. This was their fault, this was their mess not his.

Kelvin turned to his computer and typed onto the ‘joke’ template – ‘Bad Things Will Happen’ and then the name of his previous company. He pressed ‘return’ and in an instant every space on the page was filled with this message in a pleasing seasonal font. He pressed print and heard the machine burst into life and single sheet of warnings issued forth.

Twenty four special crackers were produced. Twelve he boxed and wrapped and sent to the Chairman, Chief Executive and Board of his previous employ. For the remaining twelve he turned to the internet he downloaded the names of leading financial journalists and their addresses. Each would receive an individual gift wrapped cracker with its unique greeting.

It took over a week for the first signs of success. He put this down to the security companies employ with packages that arrive in the post. The first mention was a small paragraph in the ‘Around the City’ column.

“Odd happenings here at the office suggest that something bad is likely to happen at ……….”

Within an hour of publication the shares in the company took a slight dip. Later in the day they took a massive plunge as the City Editor of the national radio business news commented that they had received word via a strange delivery of a cracker that a company was vulnerable and that the dip in shares earlier in the day might reflect this.

The next day almost every journalistic recipient of a cracker had written about ‘bad’ times ahead for the company. The shares plummeted to an all time low which meant a special Board Meeting. It was there that the Chief Executive was fired and the Chairman resigned. Three other board members took the opportunity to step away.

By the end of the week the company had been bought by a rival for a third of its recent value.

A piece in the weekend business section of a well regarded national commented on how a series of crackers bearing the missive ‘Bad Things Will Happen’ had been both siren and fortune teller.

On Monday morning as Kelvin returned to work with spirits a little higher, his vengeance sated, he was amazed to see the blinking light on his answerphone calling him.

He listened to message after message requesting ‘special’ crackers. As he booted his computer he desperately wrote down the names, addresses, numbers and messages they required.

Turning to the screen he was staggered to see over five hundred new emails. It would seem that Kelvin was not the only person in the world with scores to settle. A small smile travelled across his face as he put the bank statement into the bottom drawer.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Mirror, mirror in the case

He threw a few clothes into the suitcase. Didn’t stop to fold them, just bundled them in, he had to get away. There were just too many things pressing in on him, too many things shouting in his brain.

He went into the bathroom and grabbed his toothbrush, paste and shaving gear. He dropped them on top of his clothes with the mirror on top and closed the lid.

He was out of the door moments later letting it slam shut behind him. Without a glance back he went up the path and onto the pavement. He caught the bus at the end of the road and that was it. He had freedom.

Two months later, having been constantly moving, he settled into another characterless bedroom and placed his case onto the bed. He flicked open the fastenings and glanced down. He saw his face reflected back up at him in the shaving mirror. His shoulders sagged.

It didn’t matter how far he ran he could not escape the noise, the pressure, the fears. As his clothes were in the case so the doubts and shadows were in his head.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

'Allium Cepa’ - who'd have thought it

It seems astonishing to think that there was a time when women were barred from the vast majority of paid work. Even today it is clear that opportunities for women are limited by male dominated structures and misogynistic management. However, despite this, many women are able to succeed and legislation has prevented the more obvious discrimination.

This change did not come easily and many women in history have taken a stand to highlight the absurdity of sex-based discrimination. Today I have been reminded of one such woman.

The onion selling business in the UK was entirely dominated by ‘Onion Johnnies’ since they first arrived in 1828. Breton males would come over to England to sell their onions on the streets of the south and in particular the capital. A great range of ‘Allium Cepa’ were brought to London’s streets with varieties such as yellow, red and white selling particularly well.

In 1832, for the first time, a woman risked bringing her smaller and more delicate onions over. The unique sweet, peppery, garlic like flavours proved popular to the English palate much to the displeasure and anger of the male ‘Onion Johnnies’. They hounded her from the streets, ruined her product and tried to force her to return to France.

However, this woman was not to be intimidated and despite constant threats of violence and intimidation she stood her ground and finally broke the male hegemony. It was an astonishing stand and one that is remembered through her nom de guerre - ‘The Lady of Shallots’.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Days 38 - 46 - a little chance to review and reject

Day 38. Thank god I have not gone mad. I follow the purple dolphin with the long yellow hair until it rounds the headline. I scramble up the rocky cliff until I can stand and see the sea but the dolphin is no longer there. I look down to the beach and see a big pile of rocks like a cairn at the other end. I wonder what they are for. I can explore that later, for now I must find my camp.
Day 39. I have looked all over but I cannot find my camp. I can only presume that the others have destroyed it. They will not defeat me. I stumble upon a pile of food and water. It must be theirs. If they can destroy my camp I shall have their provisions. I will not crack up. Toes are like little fingers.
Day 40. I have found the perfect place to build my new camp. I can see 180 degrees across the land and sea and my back is protected by the rocks. I carry all the supplies up and place them into the cave. With one of the larger knives I begin to cut at branches and leaves to build a shelter. The theme tune to the French Robinson Crusoe is playing in my head
Day 41. One of the bags is full of children’s clothes. Although not perfect they are a help in building shade from the sun. Tonight I shall have a proper meal as I think I deserve it. The camp is taking shape. In my head I am imagining building a running water supply with a shower and toilet facilities but for now I am happy just filling the bottle from the stream.
Day 42. A fantastic feast from the can of meat, potatoes, green beans followed by a steam pudding. I waited until the sun was going down and the chill was descending. Everything tasted perfect and I believe I am the luckiest person alive. I will just have to watch that the smoke from the fire does not reveal my location to the others.
Day 43. This morning I tied the empty cans to tree all around my camp. This way if anyone tries to approach I will be warned by there clanging together. This does calm me a bit. The camp is taking shape. In my head I am imagining building a running water supply with a shower and toilet facilities but for now I am happy just filling the bottle from the stream.
Day 44. The others must have come to site and stolen some of my food. They are taunting me by tying the empty cans to trees around my camp. They can only have done this when I was off foraging for bamboo poles or when I am asleep. I cannot give up on the water system but can I stay awake all night to protect my belongings?
Day 45. No one came in the night. Well, no human, but I was visited by a number of creatures. There was something that looked like a fairly sizeable lizard that meandered through. Other things made noises in the bushes but did not frighten me. As dawn came it became clear that a number of birds nest in the trees around me. Their beautiful chorus re-assured me.
Day 46. If those bloody birds make that racket again I swear I will find a way to take out their little voice boxes. Luckily I seem to be coping well without sleep and it is not affecting my mood or ability to do meaningful work. This morning I set about putting all the fallen leaves in colour order. There is no way I can start on the water system until there is order.