Inside the brick factory Francois Bouchon glanced up from his work.
Around him the workers remained focus on cutting a slab of clay and throwing it
into the former. Their rough knuckles needed the clay into the corners of the
timber moulds removing any air before they drew a thin cat gut across the top
to remove any excess.
'Clay Boys', too young to work the brick shift, collected the spoil and
took it to the clay pile where Augustine Pierre Renflon the III slowly fed it
into the turning bowls to be reconstituted.
Francois Bouchon was a giant amongst the workers. Not just because he
stood head and shoulders above them and was as wide as two but also he
commanded respect for the dexterity of his massive digits. It was just as well
because, although mighty, he did suffer from a condition that in a slighter man
would have resulted in non stop teasing.
Indeed it was as a result of his condition and size that the area for
bodily excretion had been enlarged and strengthened. Francois Bouchon had
irritable bowel syndrome and his constant trips had broken the previous timber
construction. Now the brick factory's toilet was built from their own products.
As Francois perched on the seat for the fifth time that morning his
co-workers little realised that their muttered comments about having build a brick toilet
for him would someday become the colloquial expression for someone quite so
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