We stand on the
shoulders of giants. We see more, and things that are more distant, than they
did, not because our sight is superior or because we are taller than they, but
because they raise us up, and by their great stature add to ours.
Once again in these last few weeks I am reminded of
this saying. It makes me think how fortunate we are to be able to build upon
foundations laid by great people with great minds, great energy and importantly
great ‘souls’. If there is a moment to be humble it is when we realise how
little we could do if it were not for their efforts.
I have the pleasure to be working on a project that
places me next to some of my heroes – modern giants – people I have admired for
their enormous contribution to life. They are humble, unassuming, and with no
apparent ‘self’. In talking with one of them in rather gushing terms she said,
“It’s nice that you say such things but remember we have feet of clay.”
Of course you do, no person is perfect, but if the
weight of good so outweighs the amount of bad and when you have contributed so
much then I am happy to applaud giants with muddy feet.
Let us hope when we look back over our shoulders on
our life we are fortunate enough to see some giant muddy footprint on our path.
If not, then what was the point.