'Pedimoriae' - meaning: wistfully remembering that Clarks shoes had a wooden device for measuring your feet
'Incidirus' - meaning: the uncanny ability to foretell an impending paper cut
'Malusvenatus' - meaning: realising just after the serve that it wasn't badminton you used to be good at
'Circumstuffe' - meaning: the complete inability to insert a duvet into its cover without a fight
'Lactinanis' - meaning: the moment you realise someone has finished the milk and you need tea
'Dentisem' - meaning: the feeling after eating poppy seed bread as the gaps in your teeth are filled
'Materitis' - meaning: to feel cold because someone else is not wearing enough clot' - the
'Somniummeer' - panicked wake up from a dream before realising it's OK and you're not a meerkat
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